Increasing awareness of oral health amongst 13-18 year olds.
March 2019
Sean Hemsley, Rianna Clark, Lauren Tait, Michael Bryant
Members of the NHS came to us and pitched the concept of wanting to get teenagers to continue to look after their oral health. They noted that whilst early on in education, oral health care is prevelant and taught widely, once teens reach secondary education the practice is not kept up, and as such teens lack proper guidance about how to keep on top of their health. This leads to poor dental hygene that will affect the rest of their lives, as they grow into adults with mouth related issues.

We sought to try to tackle this in a head on way, that wasn't patronising or childish. Specifically remembering back to the days when we felt and wanted to be treated like adults, not kids! Knowing that teens are active on social media was a great help, and we were inspired by this to create a linking social media campaign and environmental signage to target our market head on.

By creating a positive campaign "Your smile matters", the emphasis was on positive messages, and encouraging teens to look after themselves. Whilst negative imagery would be used, it would be in a constructive and fun way. The largest part of the projects would be to create a filter for use on Snapchat or Instagram, with relevant hashtags to lead people back to the main instagram hub, which is populated with helpful information about how to look after ones oral health properly and efficiently. With social media, it also lends to hashtags and spreading information having those hashtags affixed to users posts. The filter would have the campaign name, hashtag and sponsor logos, and would when the user smiles, change their perfect teeth into oral issues such as yellowed/ brown/ missing teeth. To show immediate effects of poor oral hygene, and how to avoid it! We would also have ambient environmental advertising in school/ college bathrooms, with similar looking stickers placed on mirrors, allowing teens yet again to line up with the images and snap a pic, before posting to social media with the hashtag. From there, they'd see the page and explore the health tips for maintaining a better smile.
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